How to return to work stress-free after a vacation
Returning to work after a long break is never easy. In fact, it can cause us to feel like we need another vacation immediately. Along with ‘vacation blues’ comes the added stress of feeling disorientated in your organisation.
If you read our blog on how to disconnect, you were able to relax and recharge on your recent break from work.
You were also able to pre-plan for your vacation by assigning work to others, tying up loose ends and assessing your responsibilities ahead of time.
These tips should have not only made switching off easier, but also allowed for a smooth return.
Below are some more tips that should make for a stress-free return.
If you find the thought of returning to work after a vacation conjuring up too much dread, read on for what to do next.
Take a life admin day
It can be tempting to avoid using a day's holiday to stay in the house. But the buffer day can be helpful for catching up at home first. This might include washing, food shopping and napping off any travel jet lag. It's easier to have a smoother transition back once you feel like you've taken care of your personal life first.
Schedule focus time on the first morning back
Check your calendar the night before your return to work. Make sure there’s nothing unexpected in your diary. Move things around a little if you can and avoid agreeing to a full day of meetings on your first day back. Doing so can feel overwhelming and cause you to be unproductive going forwards.
Free up your morning and read through your emails, Slack or Teams notifications. Give yourself time to get back up to speed with things you’ve missed whilst you’ve been away.
Take a deep breath before tackling your inbox
Relax. Most of it is likely marketing!
Don’t focus on the amount of emails you have. Instead, go through them and categorise them into:
- Things you need to action
- Things you need to be aware of
- Things you can archive or delete
Fit in a few coffee catch ups
If you’re in the office, chances are you can pop to the kitchen for a chat with colleagues. But when working from home, limited social interaction can make holiday blues worse. Schedule a 15 minute coffee event for the team a few times throughout the day. That way there’s no pressure. Different colleagues can drop in to say hello at different times throughout the day.
Avoid drastic food changes
Feeling like you overindulged during your vacation can lead you to consider overhauling habits once home. But it’s wise to postpone any changes to your fitness regime or diet. Travelling, changing routines and eating a variety of foods has already affected your stress levels. Wait until you’ve settled back into home and work life first to reduce any extra stress.
Take it easy on your first day
It can be tempting to work extreme hours on the first day back to catch up on everything you’ve missed. But this will have a negative impact on mental health and productivity in future and make you feel guilty for taking time off. Allow for a slow transition back and gradually take back the projects you handed over.