Practitioner spotlight: Sharon

4 mins read

With over 16 years of coaching experience, we were thrilled to sit down for a very inspiring conversation with Sharon - our expert International Career & Life Coach. Here, we discovered how she first got into the world of well-being, how she heard about MYNDUP, and the incredibly humbling and long-term impact she’s had on her client’s lives.

How did you get into the world of well-being?

After 10 years working in international financial services, I took a short career break to have my children.  I then did some business development and consulting work for a small company but quickly discovered that I didn’t like the consulting model as it meant telling or advising people/organisations what they should do. I never knew whether they carried out my suggestions or not and I realised that I needed to do something that made a real difference to people. I also knew that I preferred a collaborative approach to working. It was then, when I met with a coach myself, that a lightbulb went off for me. I knew coaching was something that was much more aligned to my preferred way of working with people. In just a few sessions with her I became clear that retraining as a coach was the way forward for me. I enrolled on my first coach training course and never looked back. I’ve now been a coach for over 16 years.

What do you specialise in?

Change. I work with people who want a significant and positive change in some aspect of their lives.  

In the corporate world we call it leadership development. With all clients, it’s about becoming the leader in your own life and taking charge to create the life you really want. It starts with getting to know and understand yourself at a deep level, and understanding what’s really important to you so you can create a compelling vision for the future.  

Most people have 2 key areas of their lives where they are looking for change.

The first is work; People either want to advance in their current position or to leave it entirely to embark on something more inspiring.

The second is relationships; Either to make an existing one work better, end an unfulfilling relationship or become clear on the kinds of relationships that really work for them.

Ultimately, my focus is on the person as everyone is unique. The topic is always about creating positive change.

Can you share your MYNDUP story with us? :)

I’ve been working with a private client for more than 10 years. She moved countries with no family nearby and wanted a support structure to guide her through her personal and professional life. We have been through an incredible journey together, celebrating her many successes and dealing with various challenges and changes along the way. During one session, she told me her company was partnering with MYNDUP to offer employee’s free mental health sessions. Hearing that sessions were opening up to employees through their corporations sounded like a fantastic idea and something I wanted to get behind. I asked her how I could get onto the MYNDUP roster and she introduced me to the founder, Joel. Within a few short weeks, we were not only able to continue working together, but I was also able to reach a large platform of people also needing support in some area of their lives.

What’s one proven mental health tip or technique you’ve discovered and would share with others?

Breathe! Move your body, get outside in nature every day and simply take a deep breath. Doing so will allow you to process your emotions in a healthy way.

What’s the biggest problem you see people faced with in the mental health industry?

Overwhelm, burnout, exhaustion, stress and fear of the unknown.

What have been the most important lessons you’ve learnt in your life?

Learn to manage your emotions or your emotions will manage you.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – it’s a life and leadership skill.

Ask for what you want – you might get it!

Tell us the most inspiring quote, book or movie you’ve read or seen.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”  

- Marianne Williamson

What new belief or habit most changed your life in the last three years?

I love to travel. I’ve been lucky enough to travel a great deal for work and it’s been an important part of my personal life too. I love to learn about other countries and cultures, and connect with people with different backgrounds.  

When international travel stopped abruptly at the start of the pandemic, this came as a real blow to me. The new belief I adopted was that I don’t have to physically travel to other countries to have many of the experiences I value most. Instead, I started by watching films and reading books based in countries that interest me. I had regular zoom calls with friends living in other countries. And I started learning Japanese in an online class!

The lesson for me was to be clear on what is important to you. Then be creative about how to make it happen.

When you temporarily lose your focus or motivation, what do you do to bring your attention back?

I take my dogs for a walk. I find exercise, the outdoors, nature and animals all very helpful.  And walking my dogs combines all of it!

What’s the most meaningful impact you’ve made to someone’s life?

I worked with a high flying woman on a corporate leadership course who, as a very high achiever, pushed herself to the point of extreme burnout. I worked with her to support her in her recovery where we discovered what was truly important to her so that she was able to make an empowered choice about her future career. She decided to leave the company she’d been with for 20 years and jump into the unknown. I supported her in her exploration of what would be next. She now has a fulfilling new career in a startup that specialises in women’s health.

I also worked with another woman who had met her husband later in life. It was too late for them to have children naturally so instead, we went on a journey through the ups and downs of adoption. She realised she needed to open her mind to explore other alternatives. One of these was surrogacy.  She now has a beautiful baby boy.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you’d tell your younger self?

Say yes to opportunities that excite you, then figure out the how. Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t worry about what others think. Don’t ask for permission and instead be prepared to ask for forgiveness.

Tell us a 'fun fact' about you!

I’ve done the London Marathon, the 3 peaks challenge (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours) and climbed the highest mountain in SE Asia!

Sammy founded in 2019 whilst preparing for brain surgery as a way of incorporating daily motivational messages and inspiring a positive mindset despite hardships. Her mission is to inspire, empower and support others to overcome setbacks and challenges, and change negative mindsets towards events which are out of our control.